Vector Express, Inc. is the sole owner of information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to any outside parties, except as outlined in this policy.

Phone number, email address may be collected when contacting us through information provided on this website.

  • Collected Phone number or email address will only be use to communicate back with the person reaching out to us.

  • By calling or emailing us, you are proving a consent for us to reply back to you. Before sending an SMS message to any number Vector Express Inc must have you express consent to do so.

  • Your numbers will not be used for ant campaign or distribution messaging.

  • SMS consent or phone numbers for the purpose of SMS Will not be shared.

Vector Express, Inc does not use collected information for soliciting calls or spam emails. Information will be collected to further communicate with contacting person.

Phone numbers that are collected though website may only be used for internal purposes

Examples are:

  • Communicating details with the contractor applying for a driving position

  • Communicating detail with the brokers/shippers about the load details

Vector Express may collect further data in case of employment opportunity and may share with 3rd parties required for onboarding process.


  • Insurance to see if contractor is eligible to be added to our policy.

  • Factoring company, to see if brokers/shippers are in good standing with them to make purchases.

Vector Express, Inc. website may link to outside websites like, or you are agreeing to their terms of service that can be found on their website.

Prohibited campaigns

While SMS provides a great way to engage our opted-in customers, Vector Express Inc is will NOT use it for any of the following:

  • Loan and mortgage advertisements

  • Credit repair offers

  • Debt relief offers

  • Debt collection attempts

  • Work from home advertisements

  • Secret shopper advertisements

  • Political advertisements and messages

  • Alcohol, tobacco, or firearms advertisements

  • Pharmaceutical, vitamin, or other drug advertisements

  • Campaigns that may be similar to the above

In addition, Vector Express Inc will NOT engage in the following activities that are prohibited from using SMS, regardless of their message content, consent, or how they would otherwise use SMS:

  • engage in indirect lending (or otherwise are providing loans not financed directly by them), short-term high-interest loans, payday loans, or student loans

  • offer services for stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, or other types of investment opportunities

  • engage in or provide gambling or sweepstakes

  • engage in credit repair, debt relief, debt collection, or tax relief services

  • promote or provide work from home opportunities including but not limited to multi-level marketing opportunities

  • promote, sell, or otherwise reference products or services related to alcohol, tobacco (including vape), firearms, or fireworks

  • promote, sell, or otherwise reference substances defined as controlled substances under federal law, regardless of legality, including marijuana (cannabis)

  • promote, sell, or otherwise reference Kratom or similar substances, regardless of legality

  • buy, sell, or otherwise share SMS opt-in or phone numbers for the purpose of sending SMS with third-parties

  • engage in third-party affiliate/lead generation, including the collection of information to be shared with loan providers, service providers, or for other lead generation purposes

For further information about our privacy policy please contact us at